International Journal of Environmental Science and Development



Volume 8 Number 10 (Oct. 2017)

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IJESD 2017 Vol.8(10): 724-727 ISSN: 2010-0264
doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2017.8.10.1046

Biological Assessments on Bio-polymer Coated with Non-toxic Materials

Hong-Kyu Ahn, Sang-Hoon Lee, and In-Tae Lee
Abstract—When the ecological river restoration projects using the concrete material are performed, various biological problems can occur as a result of that water quality degradation due to strong alkali and heavy metal such as lead and chromium and exposure of aquatic organisms to toxic environments during long term. Thus, in this study, biological monitoring (biomass and community characteristics, etc.) and health evaluation were carried out by attached algae using application of vegetation-based polyurethane as non-toxic material for the ecological restoration of rivers. Experiments are evaluated ecological property for non-toxic materials using concrete bricks, coated plant-based polyurethane concrete bricks and natural stone. In addition, the target river was investigated by basic biological research.

Index Terms—Non-toxic material, plant-based polyurethane, ecological health, periphyton, monitoring.

Hong-Kyu Ahn and Sang-Hoon Lee are with the Hydro Science and Engineering Research Institute, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Goyang-si, 411-712, South Korea (e-mail:
In-Tae Lee is with the Research Institute for Coastal Environment and Fishery-policy, Industrial-Education Cooperation B/D Chonnam National University, Gwangiu, 500-757, South Korea.


Cite: Hong-Kyu Ahn, Sang-Hoon Lee, and In-Tae Lee, "Biological Assessments on Bio-polymer Coated with Non-toxic Materials," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 724-727, 2017.