International Journal of Environmental Science and Development



Volume 8 Number 9 (Sep. 2017)

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IJESD 2017 Vol.8(9): 686-690 ISSN: 2010-0264
doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2017.8.9.1039

The Geodiversity of the Ligurian DOC Vineyards and Its Relationships with the Terroir

G. Brancucci, M. Brancucci, P. Marescotti, M. Solimano, I. Vagge, and R. Vegnuti
Abstract—The Liguria region (NW Italy) is characterized by a wide geodiversity, which is strictly correlated with a huge variety of landscapes. This article reports and discusses the results of a multidisciplinary research performed to investigate the relationships among the “geological fingerprint” of soils and the quality of wines, going beyond the classical italian quality labels, such as the DOC (Controlled Designation of Origin), the DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) and the IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) labels. We applied an innovative multidisciplinary approach (geological, geomorphological, geochemical, mineralogical, ecological and vegetational) aimed to demonstrate the close relationships between the “geological fingerprint” of an area and the organoleptic properties of agricultural products.

Index Terms—DOC ligurian vineyards, FP-EDXRF, geological labelof the product®, terraced landscapes.

G. Brancucci is with the DAD, University of Genova, S. Agostino, 16132 Genova, Italy (e-mail:
M. Brancucci, M. Solimano, and R. Vegnuti are with GeoSpectra s.r.l. Via Palmaria 9/6 L, 16121 Genova, Italy (e-mail:,,
P. Marescotti is with DISTAV, University of Genova, Europa, 26, 16132 Genova, Italy (e-mail:
I. Vagge is with DISAA, University of Milan, Via Celoria 2, 20123 Milano, Italy (e-mail:


Cite: G. Brancucci, M. Brancucci, P. Marescotti, M. Solimano, I. Vagge, and R. Vegnuti, "The Geodiversity of the Ligurian DOC Vineyards and Its Relationships with the Terroir," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 686-690, 2017.