International Journal of Environmental Science and Development



Volume 8 Number 9 (Sep. 2017)

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IJESD 2017 Vol.8(9): 678-681 ISSN: 2010-0264
doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2017.8.9.1037

The Implications of Civil Society in Waste Management: Case of Study Skikda, Algeria

Khorief Ouissem and Mahimoud Aissa
Abstract—This paper aims at examining the role civil societies in waste management in Skikda and evaluating their implications and results. This study provides the information needed to evaluate the rate of their participation and the ways to improve it. The data for this study were collected through a survey questionnaire conducted on the environmental associations of Skikda. The survey took into account a variety of criteria including the frequency of participation of the association, the theme(s) they focus on, the distribution of their efforts, the utilized tools, etc. The quantitative data gathered are then analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Finally, the results show a passive participation of associations in waste management on several levels.

Index Terms—Associations, civil society, environment, sensitization, waste management.

Ouissem Khorief is with the Department of Project Management, University of Constantine 3, Constantine, Algeria (e-mail:
Aissa Mahimoud is with Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Constantine 3, Constantine, Algeria (e-mail:


Cite: Khorief Ouissem and Mahimoud Aissa, "The Implications of Civil Society in Waste Management: Case of Study Skikda, Algeria," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 678-681, 2017.