Home > Articles > All Issues > 2015 > Volume 6 Number 12 (Dec. 2015) >
IJESD 2015 Vol.6(12): 958-963 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.729
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.729
MSFD Descriptor 9: Between Health and Environment
C. Maggi, S. Lomiri, M. T. Berducci, B. Di Lorenzo, M. D’Antona, and A. Ausili
Abstract—The aim of the Marine Strategy is to achieve or
maintain good environmental status (GES) in marine waters
across Europe, by means a set of 11 descriptors, and to ensure
that the marine use is compatible with the conservation of
ecosystems. Italy performed the initial assessment (IA),
according to Descriptor 9, of the marine waters under its
jurisdiction; to do that, Italy proposed statistical range of
acceptance to achieve the GES, identified a method to use
health results for assessing environmental status.
Some reflections and considerations that emerged during IA phase, performed under D9, are reported in order to help to clarify and simplify some technical aspects, particularly with respect to terms and concepts unclear that, if ignored, could cause a not correct evaluation.
Index Terms—Descriptor 9, good environmental status, MSFD, public health, seafood.
The authors are with ISPRA, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Rome, Italy (e-mail: chiara.maggi@isprambiente.it, serena.lomiri@isprambiente.it, mariateresa.berducci@isprambiente.it, bianca.dilorenzo@isprambiente.it, marco.dantona@isprambiente.it, antonella.ausili@isprambiente.it).
Some reflections and considerations that emerged during IA phase, performed under D9, are reported in order to help to clarify and simplify some technical aspects, particularly with respect to terms and concepts unclear that, if ignored, could cause a not correct evaluation.
Index Terms—Descriptor 9, good environmental status, MSFD, public health, seafood.
The authors are with ISPRA, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Rome, Italy (e-mail: chiara.maggi@isprambiente.it, serena.lomiri@isprambiente.it, mariateresa.berducci@isprambiente.it, bianca.dilorenzo@isprambiente.it, marco.dantona@isprambiente.it, antonella.ausili@isprambiente.it).
Cite: C. Maggi, S. Lomiri, M. T. Berducci, B. Di Lorenzo, M. D’Antona, and A. Ausili, "MSFD Descriptor 9: Between Health and Environment," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 958-963, 2015.