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doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2025.16.2.1516
Recycle and Reuse of Crumbed Rubber as Construction Material to Reduce Environmental Pollution
2General Education, Dar Al-Hekma University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Email: skaafil@dah.edu.sa (S.F.K.); skhan@dah.edu.sa (S.S.K.)
*Corresponding author
Abstract—The crumbed pieces of the rubber from worn out
tires are used as an additive with concrete to develop a novel
construction material. The physical, mechanical and durability
tests are conducted on concrete with 0%, 1% and 2 % of
crumbed rubber with respect to weight of cement. Concrete
cubes with 2% crumbed rubber show a higher slump value, less
air voids, lower water absorption and higher compressive
strength in comparison with conventional concrete. The
crumbed rubber fills the voids present in the conventional
concrete cubes results in increase in dry density and decrease in
water absorption. The workability and compressive strength of
the concrete increases with the increase in the percentage of
crumbed rubber to 2%. The novel construction material
developed in this research is sustainable and green compared to
conventional concrete as it reduces the release of Carbon
Dioxide (CO2) and fuel consumption based on energy simulation
results from design builder software.
Keywords—crumbed rubber, green concrete, additive,
cementitious material, mechanical strength, durability study
Cite: Shifana Fatima Kaafil and Shamim Shaukat Khan, "Recycle and Reuse of Crumbed Rubber as Construction Material to Reduce Environmental Pollution," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 111-118, 2025.
Copyright © 2025 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).