Home > Articles > All Issues > 2025 > Volume 16 Number 1 (2025) >
Article# | Article Title & Authors (Volume 16 Number 1 (2025)) | Page |
1504 |
Paphawarin Songpattanasilp, Vorapot Kanokkantapong, and Sumeth Wongkiew |
1 |
1505 |
Stalis N. Ethica, Haryanto Haryanto, Aditya R. Ernanto, Toeti Rahajoe, Ayu Rahmawati Sulistyaningtyas, and Agus Sabdono |
7 |
1506 |
Hamid Nadi, Zakaria Zher, Nabila Auajjar, Naima Dohou, Khalid Yamni, and Moulay Laarbi Ouahidi |
16 |
1507 |
Prediction of Water Quality Index (WQI) Using Machine Learning Kunyanuth Kularbphettong, Nareenart Raksuntorn, and Chongrag Boonseng |
34 |
1508 |
Lathika Y. Hitige, Rashmi N. J. K. Arachchi, Nimal Ratnayake, Miyuru B. Gunathilake, and Upaka Rathnayake |
41 |
1509 |
Au Tinh Thi Nguyen and Au Hai Nguyen |
49 |
1510 |
Engambé Christ Bardoul, Kouhounina Banzouzi Merline Lady, Bibila Mafoumba Jean Claude, Kounampo-OKouo Avinth Carmel, Moussoki Nsona Promesse, and Tchoumou Martin |
58 |
1511 |
Fungi and Algae: A Synergistic Duo for Wastewater Treatment Likhon C. Roy, Yassine Ezaier, Ahmed Hader, Khalid Ansari, Abderrahim Maftouh, Hesam Kamyab, Hussameldin Ibrahim, and Mohammad Yusuf |
65 |
1512 |
Amornrat Waiyaphat and Suphaphat Kwonpongsagoon |
73 |