International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

Open access



Aims and Scope

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Aims and Scope

IJESD is an open access journal that focuses on publishing original and peer-reviewed research papers on all aspects of environmental science and development. The topics include but are not limited to:

Environmental dynamics
Atmospheric physics
Physical oceanography

Global environmental change and ecosystem management
Climate and climatic changes
Global warming
Ozone layer depletion
Carbon capture and storage
Integrated ecosystems management
Satellite applications in the environment

Environmental restoration and ecological engineering
Habitat reconstruction
Biodiversity conservation
Landscape degradation and restoration
Groundwater remediation
Soil decontamination

Environmental sustainability
Resource management
Life cycle analysis
Environmental systems approach
Renewable sources of energy-energy savings
Clean technologies
Sustainable cities


Wastewater and sludge treatment
Nutrients removal
Suspended and fixed film biological processes
Anaerobic treatment
Process modeling
Sludge treatment and reuse
Fate of hazardous substances
Industrial wastewater treatment
Advances in biological, physical, and chemical processes
On-site and small-scale systems
Storm-water management

Air pollution and control
Emission sources
Atmospheric modeling and numerical prediction
Interaction between pollutants
Control technologies
Air emission trading

Solid waste management
Waste minimization
Optimization of collection systems
Recycling and reuse
Waste valorization
Technical aspects of treatment and disposal methods (landfilling, thermal treatment, etc)
Leachate treatment
Legal, economic, and managerial aspects of solid waste management
Management of hazardous solid waste

Water treatment and reclamation
Advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation, etc)
Disinfection and disinfection by-products
Management of water treatment residuals
The aesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors)
Effect of distribution systems on potable water quality
Reuse of reclaimed waters.