International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 1 Number 1 (April 2010)

Home > Archive > 2010 > Volume 1 Number 1 (April 2010) >
IJESD 2010 Vol.1(1): 60-66 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2010.V1.13

A survey of regional inequality status in Khorasan Razavi province

Majid Yasouri

Abstract—The reduction in regional differences to stop the movement and displacement of human forces and capital in the direction of preparing the ground for development is very effective. Development means boosting human potentials for the improved utilization of his environment. Rational utilization depends on economical, social and cultural particulars. Therefore any kind of condition that is effective in the improvement of region’ capabilities will lead to the preparation of the ground for regional development. Immigration, poverty, low production and efficiency, joblessness and … in areas of the region is the result of inefficient performance of economical, social and cultural foundations, agricultural depression, disorganized growth of population and discriminatory policies and the low level of enjoying fundamental facilities and productions. Therefore, the study of economical and social indicators and the determination of the areas benefit are very urgent in the direction of finalizing development guidelines. The present study has been performed with the aim of recognizing development condition of areas in the province and recognizing the challenges and direction of areas development. The result s of the study indicates that there is an inharmonious development in areas and deprivation of regions bordering the northern part of the province and the border lines.

Index Terms—regional disparity , Khorasan razavi , development, inequality.

Dr. Majid Yasouri, Dept. of Geography, Guilan university.


Cite: Dr. Majid Yasouri, "A survey of regional inequality status in Khorasan Razavi province," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 60-66, 2010.