International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 1 Number 1 (April 2010)

Home > Articles > All Issues > 2010 > Volume 1 Number 1 (April 2010) >
IJESD 2010 Vol.1(1): 36-39 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2010.V1.8

Application of Dermatoglyphic Traits for Diagnosis of Diabetic Type 1 Patients

Hossein Rezaei Nezhad, Nasser Mahdavi Shah

Abstract—Nowadays study of dermatoglyphics has a great importance in judicial and criminal researches. At present , study of dermatoglyphics that is related to some genetic diseases has an immence application. Relation of dermatoglyphics characteristics with some of diseases like down's syndrome, Alzheimer's disease , multiple sclerosis , schizophrenia has been studied . Genetic factors are important in the causation of both types of diabetes. Count of palm dermal ridges are very important in determining quantitaive fingerprint characteristics. Also dermal ridges in fingers have different shapes , similar loop, arch , whorl which are too important in qualitative characteristics. In this project we selected 30 patients and impregnated their palms with ink and pressed on papers and their results were compared with control group.The results were analysed by statistical tests. i. e. t-test and chi-square. Results Indicated that a-b count in male and female patients has decreased comparatively to control group, but the reduction is not significant. From the viewpoint of the shape of fingerprint, loop and whorl shapes are heterogeneous and their number differ significantly comparative to control group (p = 0.001. p = 0.004.) It seems that dermatoglyphics could be a suitable method for genetic studies and diabetes type 1.

Index Terms—Dermatoglyphics , diabetes , genetic diseases, Iran.

Hossein Rezaei Nezhad is with Islamic Azad University of Shirvan , Shirvan , Khorasan , Iran
Nasser Mahdavi Shah is with Biology Department , University of Mashhad , Mashhad , Iran.
Corresponding author . tel : +989153171476, fax : + 985854224117 email:


Cite: Hossein Rezaei Nezhad, Nasser Mahdavi Shah, "Application of Dermatoglyphic Traits for Diagnosis of Diabetic Type 1 Patients," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 36-39, 2010.