International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 2 Number 1 (Feb. 2011)

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IJESD 2011 Vol.2(1): 24-26 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2011.V2.91


Archana Swali Njoku

Abstract—the experience of many developed countries has shown that there was a close relationship between literacy educational growth and increased productivity and general development. In addition to this a well developed literacy for economic system would not only lead to the production of trained and skilled manpower who are required to bring about social change to the realization of the objectives of the government as set in the national policy and development plan criteria. It has been our endeavour to examine the current literacy for economic development and financial restitude. A methodology based on simulation runs and sensitivity analysis and relationship of literacy expenditure/investment and among other variables have been used to indicate economic implication of various parameters with particular reference to literacy for economic development programmes in the case of Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Ph. D and School of Management Technology, Dept of General Student, Federal University of Technology Owerri.


Cite: Archana Swali Njoku, "LITERACY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCIAL RESTITUDE," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 24-26, 2011.