International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 9 Number 1 (Jan. 2018)

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IJESD 2018 Vol.9(1): 24-31 ISSN: 2010-0264
doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2018.9.1.1068

A Japanese Utility Renewable Energy Management

Amin Mohammadirad, Sho Kainose, and Ken Nagasaka
Abstract—HOKKAIDO a northern island of Japan has high potentials of Solar and Wind energies. However, HOKKAIDO Electric Power Company (HEPCO) declares that by increasing Renewable Energy (RE) power such as Photovoltaic and Wind generation (hereafter PV and Wind), they cannot interconnect to the grid because of interconnection limitation and having surplus power in the grid. In this paper, for RE surplus power management, we suggest two solutions. The first solution is to convert RE surplus power to another type of energy which divided into two different methods. First, convert RE surplus power to 100% heat. Second, convert RE surplus power to 50% heat, 40% hydrogen and 10% electric cars. For this purpose, we use the Advanced Energy System Analysis Computer tool called “EnergyPLAN” to estimate RE surplus power in HOKKAIDO future energy system. Then, we calculate and compare the conversation economic and environmental performances. The second solution is to transfer RE surplus power to connected multi-area networks. For this reason, we design load frequency control (LFC) in smart grid model of IEEE 30 bus test system in MATLAB/SIMULINK to give such ability to transfer power from one area to another. Finally, we compare both solutions economical and environment performances.

Index Terms—HOKKAIDO future energy system, surplus management, renewable energy (RE), conversion, transfer, multi-area networks, MATLAB/SIMULINK, smart grid.

The authors are with Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan (e-mail:,,


Cite: Amin Mohammadirad, Sho Kainose, and Ken Nagasaka, "A Japanese Utility Renewable Energy Management," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 24-31, 2018.