International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 8 Number 12 (Dec. 2017)

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IJESD 2017 Vol.8(12): 799-803 ISSN: 2010-0264
doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2017.8.12.1060

Designing Heap Leaching for Nickel Production that Environmentally and Economically Sustain

Sri Listyarini
Abstract—Some of laterite mineral from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, has low grade nickel contain. This research was done in 3 steps to analyze the possibility of extracting nickel from low grade laterite for industry. In the first step of this research heap leaching method is used in laboratory scale for extracting the nickel from laterite mineral using sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. The result of the first step research is the higher the acid concentration used will be the more concentration of nickel produced in the Pregnant Leach Solution (PLS), and with the same concentration of sulfuric acid to produce more nickel than hydrochloric acid. The second step of this research was done in micro industry scale using sulfuric acid to leach nickel from laterite with the variety of laterite height and sulfuric acid concentration. The result from the second step research is stated that 2 M of sulfuric acid is the optimum concentration and 1.5 m laterite sample height. The third step of this research is to design the pilot industry scale for nickel heap leaching reactor with bamboo as a part of reactor and to analyze the feasibility cost. The reactors designed in this study do not produce waste, so that it is expected to meet environmental sustainability rules. The results of the calculation show that the heap leaching reactors designed in this reseach will economically sustain, and will give benefit for 126.13 US $ for each nickel production.

Index Terms—Heap leaching, hydrochloric acid, laterite, nickel, pregnant leach solution (PLS), sulfuric acid.

Sri Listyarini is with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Indonesia Open University (Universitas Terbuka), Indonesia (e-mail:


Cite: Sri Listyarini, "Designing Heap Leaching for Nickel Production that Environmentally and Economically Sustain," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 799-803, 2017.